Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp

Keeping our brain young and sharp is as important as keeping our body healthy.  Our brain requires proper nutrition and constant stimulation to keep it young and sharp.  Here are the different ways to do it.

Our body needs proper nutrition and so does our brain.  Eat plenty of foods rich in essential fatty acids.  EFAs are useful in learning better and it makes you think more clearly.  Good sources of EFAs are sardines, herring, salmon, trout, anchovies, tuna, flax seed, flax oil, fish oil and walnuts. 

Vitamins and minerals are essential in your brain’s health.  B vitamins are especially important as they help normalize nerve function.  Liver, beer, tuna, oats, whole wheat, turkey, Brazil nuts, legumes, bananas, avocados, potatoes are good sources of B vitamins.  

Selenium is also important in keeping your mind young and sharp.  It is believed to have some ability to control cell damage.  Good sources of selenium are eggs, fish and shellfish, red meat, chicken, garlic and grains. 

Load up on fruits and vegetables because they are rich in antioxidants, minerals, and phytochemicals.  These include food rich in vitamin A, C, E, carotenoids and flavonoids such as in dark, leafy and bright-colored fruits and vegetables to enable your mind to function like it is young.  Spinach, kale, collard greens, green peppers, squash, carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, peaches and apricot are just some of these foods. 

Just like our body, our brain needs exercise to keep it sharp.  Stimulate your brain through reading.  Through reading your brain takes new information, stores, recalls and links it to other information.  This way your memory is improved.  Read every day to get optimum results.

Another way to stimulate your brain is to do mind games like puzzles.  Once your brain is presented with a problem, it tries to find a solution. 

Some may not agree but playing video games stimulates your brain. There are video games intended to stimulate your brain.  Try these games once in a while.

Don’t stop learning new things; a hobby or a new skill for instance.  Don’t let your mind get stuck and become rusted.  There are easy and fun ways to keep your mind young and sharp.


One Leap Blogging said...

nice information. This article helps me lot. Keep posting

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