Saturday, August 15, 2009

How to Become Truly Happy

As Featured On EzineArticles

Life is not always a box of chocolates – all you get are sweet, tasty treats. At times, life could be so difficult and unfair; just too much to carry. But then you see other people continue to live amazing and fulfilled lives, then you ask yourself, “How are they able to live a life so sweet? How can they still laugh and go on notwithstanding the difficulties they face?”

So, how does one become truly happy? First, love yourself.

To love oneself means to accept you’re not perfect - we are not perfect. All of us have shortcomings. And by accepting our shortcomings we can gather great amount of courage to find ways to improve ourselves and learn from our mistakes.

In life, we constantly find about right and wrong, success and failure, trying and quitting, winning and losing. These things happen as long as we live. However this should not stop us from becoming happy. Making mistakes and fail are part of life – they abound and as important as the air we breathe. Yet if you continue questioning why life has never been good to you, you will never find true happiness.

You must accept yourself first and in the process you learn to accept others. You can’t love other people without loving yourself and learning how to love. When you discover to accept yourself, your own mistakes – you learn to love yourself and become truly happy.

Second, be contented. True happiness is also connected with contentment. Contentment is a simple word yet very hard to achieve. When you are contented with your job, your physical attributes, with your family, your friends, and all the things you now have – certainly, you found true happiness.

However, every individual has his own definition of ‘happiness’. Happiness for an actor may mean blockbuster movies. For a politician, happiness may mean having great political influence. And for some, it may mean being able to live each day, having a job, a family, a nice car or enough money to support their lifestyle.

No matter how complex or simple your definition of happiness, it all boils down to love and contentment. If the actor is not contented with his current blockbuster, how can he be happy? It’s really simple. You don’t have to have the best things in this world to be truly happy. You just have to make the most of every single thing you have and accept the fact that you can’t have everything in this world. If you could smile at your own mistakes and tell yourself to do better next time, you have the determination to carry on and the eagerness to stand up again and try – that will make you a truly happy individual.


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