Monday, August 31, 2009

Tips to Improve Your Metabolism

Having high level of metabolism is a gift that not all of us could receive.  Those who have higher metabolism tend to lose weight easily, while those who don’t tend to gain more weight.  But don’t despair.  You can do something about it.  Here are some methods to improve your metabolism.

1.  Don’t skip breakfast.  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day but a lot of people take it for granted.  Skipping breakfast slows down your metabolism and signals the body it’s starving because you go without food for a long period of time. 

2.  Don’t starve or skip meals.  Once your body senses that you are starving it slows metabolism down.

3.  Eat smaller meals, about 4 to 6 small meals at 2 to 3 hours interval.

4.  Stay away from sugar. Sugar allows the body to store fat.

5.  Get enough exercise.  This increases your metabolism all day if done especially in the morning.  Try to build up lean, mean body mass.  Build strength and resistance through working out at least twice a week.  You should match the amount of food taken to your daily activity.  Staying active is very important. Walking or doing house chores can also help you stay active.   

6.  Have more sleep. Those who have less sleep tend to gain weight.  It is during last couple of hours sleep that the muscles regenerate.

7.  Drink plenty of water.  Water cleanses our system by flushing out toxins.  The energy burning process of metabolism needs water to work effectively. 

8.  Try these foods to help improve your metabolism.
a.  Grapefruit – decreases insulin levels that prompt your body to store fat.  It is also rich in fiber thereby making body burn extra calories to break it down.
b.Almonds – the essential fatty acids found in almonds help improve your metabolism. However, it is also high in calories so don’t over eat.
c. Apples – are also rich in fiber and help you stay full for longer, so you’ll eat less.
d.Eat spicy foods, like jalapeno and curry.  Hot cuisine with peppers can improve metabolism.
e.Green tea – has epigallocatechin gallate which speeds up your brain and nervous system, making your body burn more calories.
f.  Turkey – is high in protein which builds lean muscle tissue, prompting your body to burn more calories.
g. Broccoli – is high in calcium and vitamin c. Calcium triggers metabolism, while vitamin C helps your body absorb calcium.
h.Oatmeal – is also high in fat-soluble fiber.  It lowers insulin level and boosts your metabolism.

9.  Include more energy giving foods in your diet, like fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains.

10.  Avoid stress.  It triggers the release of cortisol, a type of steroid, which lowers metabolism. 

Improving your metabolism takes a lot of discipline.  Always remember that eating the right food and exercise should not only be short-lived, but should be a way of life.  Keep yourself healthy and improve your metabolism.


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